Key Points
- Be mindful about the information you consume.
- Always look at history and compare the past with the present.
- Recency bias.
- Take control of your health.
The Strange Story of CBD's Ban in Hong Kong
It is almost common knowledge in the West that CBD is safe and can be used in all sorts of beauty products.
In the US, you can find these products in common places such as Whole Foods or Amazon. With this in mind, let’s talk about the strange story of how CBD was unbanned and banned again in Hong Kong, and more importantly, why this is important for your health.
Brief History
The Chinese name for cannabis is “ma” and it has been used to treat a variety of health conditions, including pain, inflammation, and digestive issues. Cannabis has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to deal with these ailments. The Chinese used the leaves and seeds of the plant, but not the bud. Its use has been documented since the “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” (神农本草经), which dates back to the Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE).
This has had a profound impact on Chinese medicine. Despite the outlaw of cannabis in China, there are still traces of its application, such as “Huo Ma Ren” (火麻仁), or ground sativa seed soup, which is a common medicine used to help with digestive problems.
Hong Kong, being heavily influenced by both the Chinese and the British, shares these medical views on the plant.
The Outlawed
In 1969, Hong Kong outlawed this once-considered safe plant. It was not until February 2018 that the Hong Kong government decided to change their view and allow the sales of CBD products.
At the time, businesses flourished (see here), and many believed that the common view of cannabis being “bad” was finally going to change, given that the Chinese already had a long history of medical use with this plant.
But in February 2023, all of this changed, and CBD was once again outlawed. Massive campaigns all over the media promoted how dangerous this drug is.
Why Is This Important?
We, here at THC cream, are not in the business of providing political or opinionated views on any country’s justice system. But we do need to point out that there are political influences on cannabis. Logically speaking, a plant’s medical properties cannot just change overnight.
So, knowing this, be mindful of the information you consume. If you live in Hong Kong and see ads saying how dangerous it is to consume CBD, you may have a false impression that the “latest and greatest” science reveals that CBD is harmful and become a victim of recency bias.
But mapping it out in history may reveal a different picture. Did the plant evolve to be dangerous overnight? It is up to you to decide.
As always, stay healthy, take control of your own health, and good luck!
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